President/CEO Chris Russell Update
Chamber Newsletter
Did you know that the Ozark Chamber of Commerce is about to celebrate its 75th anniversary? It all began on Monday, October 14, 1949, when approximately 90 business leaders from Ozark, Missouri, gathered at the Smith Hotel to establish what would become a cornerstone of the community. Joe Majors, owner of Major Cheese Co., was elected as the first president, with Dr. Stanley Roper as vice president and Herbert Taylor as treasurer.
The Chamber's first committee was focused on membership, led by Jack Raum, with members Hurley Thornburg, Ford Haguewood, Myron White, Fred Wade, and Howard Melton. They started with 49 members, charging an annual fee of $15.00 for men and $7.50 for women. By October 27, 1949, membership had already grown to 58.
Following that, the Budget & Finance Committee was formed, chaired by John Hedgpeth and including Dr. H.O. Wolfe, James Horst, Arthur Gimlin, Herbert Taylor, and Stanley Chudomelka. The Publicity Committee was headed by Jack Smith, with committee members Mrs. Bertha Mae Pyle, Dr. Stanley Roper, and Frank Hannah Sr.
On November 14, 1949, the Chamber voted to hire a part-time secretary and decided to join the National Chamber of Commerce. And as they say, the rest is history.
A lot has changed over the past 75 years, but the Chamber’s dedication to the Ozark community remains steadfast. Today, we continue to work tirelessly to support local businesses, engage with citizens, and collaborate with organizations that make Ozark a vibrant place to live and work.
As we celebrate this milestone, we reflect on some of the events and initiatives that define our commitment:
- Monthly Networking Events
- Annual Community Awards Banquet
- Annual Community Golf Tournament
- Showcase Ozark Business and Community Free Expo
- Annual Christmas Parade
- Annual Citywide Garage Sale Promotion
- Welcome Home Event for New Ozark Teachers
- Ribbon Cutting and Groundbreaking Ceremonies
- Promotion and Support for Other Ozark Community Events
- Partnerships with City, School, and County Entities to Enhance Local Business
- Shop Ozark Missouri Marketing Campaigns
- Training and Support for Local Businesses
- Community Volunteer Opportunities
- Maintenance and Improvement of our website
And so much more.
In 1949, the people of Ozark recognized the need for a Chamber of Commerce to play a vital role in their growing community. It’s important to note that Chambers are not funded by taxes or controlled by the city. As a 501(c)(6) nonprofit organization, we are supported by our members through annual dues, event sponsorships, and participation in our activities. This is why we strive to provide as much value as possible to our members.
If your business or organization is not yet a member, consider joining and becoming part of this 75-year tradition of supporting Ozark's thriving community.
Chris Russell
(417) 581-6139